Yes, Reno is adorable... reminds me of a fluffy...wait no, that's Kujo..
Agh, screw it! I'm gonna make a quick list and mind you, this is just my personal taste. So don't take offence anyone =p
Eh - Eh is the only word I know how to come up with how I feel about him. He's neither sexy, nor does he fall into the adorable/fatherly figure group. BUT I do love his character so Tseng has a class all of his own
Father Figures- These guys stole my heart! Not because I see them as a sex symbol, but I see them as something greater. I'd be honored if ANY of these guys would be my father. I hold each and every single one of their characters in the highest of reguards -
Cid Highwind (most like my real dad)
Angeal Hewley (I'm still in awe of his character as a whole)
Reeve Tuesti (Again, it's just something about this guy that screams "father figure" to me)
Adorables!!! - Adorable... just what does that mean? It means no matther what the situation these two find themselves in, it's gonna make me squee like crazy. I can't help myself when I see them around, I just want to touch them! And NO NOT LIKE THAT!
Kuja ( AKA FLUFFY! )
Reno ;D
Borderline Sex Appeal - This group has my feelings quite confused. I don't know if they should be in the next cat/or in the adorable one... either way, they've crossed over into a rather gray area
Cloud -
Squall -
Snow -
Zack -
Which brings me down to the last group.... humina hummina hummmmmmmina!
The hot...the undeniable most bangable guys that make me wanna shoop >.>
4th- The Great One, Sephiroth- All hail to the God of silver locks! I don't care who the hell you are, you can't deny this guy has sex appeal
3rd - Laguna Loire (sure he's a clutz, can't form words to say when he's around someone he wants to be with but it's like he's a big ol' teddy bear! .... in extremely hot skin
2nd- Genesis Rhapsodos - I never knew much about this character until the release date of Crisis Core neared. Once I saw a photo of him, I knew I was in trouble. Frantically searching the net, I found bootleg vid's of him from oversea's and I use to watch those religiously. He is...and will always be the closest runner up to #1 than any of the above
Okay so you guys should know by now who my number one is and if not, SHAME! Haha, but drum roll please!
#1 - Vincent Valentine- back in Nov of 1997, I started to play a rpg. Little did I know just how obsessed I'd be with that 15 dollar purchase. As I dove more and more into the story, soaking up each and every personality that crossed my screen, there he was. Perfectly preseved and ripe for the picking.
And I do remember my reaction. I sat down the controller, leaned forward and read the text as he came up out of his casket to talk to Cloud and the gang. Haha, I also remember cursing like a sailor when he said to leave him and he closed himself back up too....
As I was about to walk out of the room, my heart rejoiced a thosand times over, Vincent Valentine joined my party! Sorry Barret, you're out, So he is quickly booted from my current party and Cloud, Tifa & Vincent took the lead.
But that was pretty much how it started. From that point on I knew I was a Valentine fangirl and not even Seph (although when Chris role played him) was close to stealing my love for this guy away, but luckily it didn't stop my adoration for Mr. Valentine.
He IS and ALWAYS will be My #1